
We hope that you feel St Catherine of Siena Catholic Primary School would be the right choice for your family. We would love to welcome you to St Catherine’s and show you the school we have created and what we can offer your child or children.

In the meantime please take a look around our website to see everything that we can offer to your child. As there is a lot of information here, the pages under EYFS, RE, Curriculum and Parents menus above would be good places to start.

In-Year Applications

As a result of our double intake for this year, there are places still available in Years 3 and 4.

On occasions, places become available during the academic year. These can be in any year group for any number of reasons, including families moving out of the area. Our current vacancies are as follows:

Year GroupPlacesVacancies
Reception 307 places
Year 1302 places
Year 2301 place
Year 36817 places
Year 46810 places
Year 534FULL
Year 634FULL
Last updated 11/09/2024

For the latest update on available school places please email or call the school office on 01923 676022.

To apply for a place you must complete an online application through Hertfordshire’s Admissions Team by following this link, and complete the Supplementary Information Form (SIF) below, which must be delivered to the school office along with the required documentation.

You will be advised of the outcome of your application in writing as soon as possible. Applicants must be informed of the outcome of their application within 15 school days of receipt, but the aim is to notify applicants of the outcome of their application within 10 school days of receipt. You have the right to appeal to an independent appeal panel if your application is unsuccessful.

Applications for classes that are full will be placed on the ‘Continuing Interest List’. When a place becomes available, the Admissions Committee meets to rank applications according to the admissions policy below. Places are then offered out to the applicant ranked the highest. Please note: the applications are reset annually at the end of June; you must re-apply from 1st July if you wish to stay on the continuing interest list for the following academic year.

Applications for entry September 2025

Reception30 placesNormal admissions round closes 15th January 2025
Year 34 placesApplications should be made using the in-year process from 1st July 2025

Applications for entry September 2026

Reception30 placesNormal admissions round closes 15th January 2026
Year 34 placesApplications should be made using the in-year process from 1st July 2026

Open Days

We will announce dates for prospective parents (Reception class) in the Autumn term. If you would like to arrange a visit for another class, please email or call the school office on 01923 676022 to book an appointment.

Parish Boundaries

Please follow this link for an interactive map showing the boundaries of parishes referenced in our admissions policy.


Parents who may wish to appeal against their child’s allocated primary school place should follow this link to the Hertfordshire School Appeals page.