We are absolutely delighted that we are able to return to our pre-Covid Collective Worship Schedule. Below is an overview of the planned events for 2021-2022. Parents are highly encouraged to attended all events marked with an asterix. Dates for these, along with which class will be leading liturgies and Masses, will be sent via ParentPay Mail and uploaded to the school website. We are so grateful to Father Paul and Father Terkura for supporting us in providing our pupils with a wealth of different prayer and worship experiences.
As Catholics, we are blessed with a rich tradition. We want all of our pupils and families to experience a wide and enriching variety of prayer and worship experiences. We regularly gather feedback from our pupils and use this to continually develop our worship provision. Examples of the types of worship we offer can be found below.
I first heard the saying, ‘To sing is to pray twice’ as a child at our local Deanery school, Holy Rood, spoken by the wonderful Maureen Martindale. At St Catherine’s we fully embrace this ethos! Our weekly Hymn Practice (every Friday) follows the same format, with hymns being selected to match the liturgical year. If you would like to learn the hymns alongside your child, these are the hymns we regularly use:
The hymns we learn follow the liturgical year and support our pupils’ learning in classroom Religious Education by mirroring the units/Gospel Scripture they are studying. This term, we will be focusing on:
When I Needed a Neighbour
‘Whatsoever you do, to the least of my Brothers’
‘For everyone Born a Place at the Table’
Always an Autumnal favourite – ‘Autumn Days’
During Lockdown, we pre-recorded weekly collective worships that teachers shared with the children as part of their online provision. Now that we have returned to school, daily worships are held in class. For whole-school events, such as our Patron Saint’s Feast Day, we all take part in the same liturgy.
Whole-school collective worship in a time of social distancing.
To ensure that we still have opportunities for whole-school prayer and worship, the SLT prepare weekly Collective Worships. The video is played in every classroom and we all come together as a school community.
Please do take a look and use them as a stimulus for prayer with your child.