Year 6 Faustyna

‘Pure love… knows that only one thing is needed to please God:to do even small things out of great love – love, and always love.’

St Faustyna – Year 6

St Faustyna – Year 5

The children created pop-up cards using levers and sliders in DT.

The children reflected on this Lenten time of discerning and doing good.

World Book Day 2023. Can you guess who we were?

Year 4

Year 3

We are so looking forward to the year ahead of us, and we can’t wait to show you all of the exciting things that we get up to this year! Keep an eye on our class page and twitter for updates!

Our Maths Curriculum

Our English Curriculum

Our Science Curriculum

Religious Education

World Book Day!

Outdoor Learning


Year 2 Faustyna

Religious Education

Our Curriculum Maps

Our Maths Curriulum
Our English Curriculum
Our Science Curriculum

World Book Day 2020

Reading breakfast

Christmas Craft Fayre 2019

Forest School

Lockdown Learning